§1 [Preliminary provisions]
- The owner and simultaneously the operator of the GlobalBid website is Dawid Krupa conducting business activity under the name GlobalBid Dawid Krupa with its registered office in Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Olesnicka 3, 33-200 Dąbrowa Tarnowska (NIP PL8711687656, Regon 121216692).
- These Terms of Service define the rules for the provision of services made available to Users on the GlobalBid website, the rules of access and use of its resources, as well as the rights and obligations of the User and the Organiser.
- Browsing and using the GlobalBid website, and purchasing services provided through the website, means acceptance of these Terms of Service and the obligation to comply with the provisions contained herein.
- If the User does not accept the Terms of Service in whole or in part, the User is asked to leave the website.
- The Organiser is not a party to the Users’ transactions, but only provides a commercial communication platform for listing item advertisements.
- These Terms of Service were drawn up on the basis of the provisions of law in force on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
- The Organiser undertakes to ensure the highest possible quality and stability of the website, however, it reserves the right to temporary interruptions or difficulties in access to the website related to, among others, conducting service work, updates, new solutions or improvements. At the same time, the Organiser undertakes to inform Users about the date of planned breaks.
- None of the provisions of these Terms of Service excludes or limits the rights of Users resulting from the provisions of generally applicable law. In the event of any doubts regarding the interpretation of individual provisions of the Terms of Service, the rule set out in the previous sentence shall apply.
§2 [Definitions]
- Organiser – conducting business activity under the name GlobalBid Dawid Krupa with its registered office in Dąbrowa Tarnowska.
- GlobalBid website – an e-commerce service operated by the Organiser in Polish and English at globalbid.pl to enable listing and browsing Items and to conduct auctions of Items.
- User – an adult natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which in the manner provided for in these Terms of Service has created an account and uses the services provided on the GlobalBid website. A legal person shall act through its organs authorised to represent. Users are divided into buyers (Bidder) and sellers.
- Item – tangible property (movable property) including motor goods of the following categories: trucks, tractors, trailers, semi-trailers, tankers, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, forestry machinery, trolleys and lifts, municipal machinery, buses, vans, motorhomes, special vehicles, containers, storage machines.
- Service – all services, paid and free of charge, provided by the Organiser on the website (e.g. including, but not limited to, all functions, text, data, information, software, charts or photographs, drawings, etc.), as well as any other services provided by the Organiser using the functionality of the website.
- Account – set of resources and permissions within the GlobalBid Website assigned to a specific User, allowing the User to perform specific actions within the GlobalBid Website. The Account may only be used by one User. The account has a unique name (login) and password.
- Registration – a special procedure under which the User provides information necessary to use the services of the GlobalBid Website by completing the appropriate forms on the website. Registration will be deemed completed when all its stages have been successfully completed in accordance with the instructions on the GlobalBid website.
- Personal data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
- Account Blocking – the imposition by the Organiser of restrictions on the functionality of the Service for a given account, which means the cessation of displaying the account’s advertisements, the expiration of the right and technical possibilities to create, place and post a new advertisement.
- Account Closure – the User’s right to request the removal of his/her account from the GlobalBid website. The deletion of all data from the server will take place after the periods indicated in the Privacy Policy.
- Auction – a form of sale of movable property via the GlobalBid website organized in the form of an auction (competition of offers), consisting in the submission by Bidders by electronic means of individual offers for the purchase of the Item within the meaning of art. 66 (1) § 1 of the Civil Code, to which the Auction relates. The purpose of the Auction is to select the buyer of the Item the Auction is dedicated to. The auction can also be conducted in the form of a Buy It Now Auction.
- Automatic bidding – a functionality that allows the User to specify the maximum amount allocated to the purchase of the selected Item and automatically renew offers until the maximum amount is reached.
- Buy It Now Price – the price indicated on the page of a given Auction or announcement of an Bid Sale constituting an invitation to submit an offer to buy an Item for a specific price. Submitting such an offer results in the immediate termination of the Auction. The Bidder who has made an offer to purchase the Item for the Buy It Now Price becomes the winner and – provided the bid receives a Knockdown – may purchase the Item.
- Bidder – a User who has made an offer to buy an Item via an Auction. The Bidder may be a natural person (within the scope of their business activity or as a Consumer), as well as a legal person or an organizational entity without legal personality, whereby entities that are not natural persons participate in the Auction through their representatives.
- Knockdown – acceptance of the highest bid, granting the relevant Participant the right to purchase the auctioned Item for the price specified in the course of the Auction.
- Commission – remuneration due from the Seller to the Organiser on the Item sold by the user.
§3 [User Registration]
- Internet users can view advertisements posted on the GlobalBid Website without registration.
- Unregistered Users may use the services of the GlobalBid Website made available to Website Users who have not passed the Registration procedure, in particular: view advertisements on the GlobalBid Website.
- Registration of the User on the website is required to use of all the services available at the GlobalBid Website.
- Registration on the GlobalBid Website is free of charge and consists in submitting an electronic form containing at least the following data on the registering entity:
- Name (Name and surname),
- Address of residence/registered office,
- NIP, EU-NIP tax ID no.
- E-mail address,
- The Registration holder chooses a unique login and password. The entity making the registration is obliged to state its legal personality.
- When registering, the entity will be obliged to submit documents confirming the assignment of a tax number or a European tax number and other documents needed for verification.
- During registration, the entity is required to state the purpose of using the GlobalBid website by selecting between the option to list or purchase items. Selecting the purchase option hides the Documents required for verification tab. It is possible to select both options, i.e. list and purchase, in which case the entity will be obliged to provide documents required for verification.
- Upon the submission of the form referred to above, the Organiser’s response message will be immediately sent to the e-mail address provided by the User to enable the User to activate the Account and containing other information required by law. Clicking the received link, the Account activation process is complete. The activation link will be sent immediately, but no later than 48 hours after submitting the registration form.
- Upon activation of the Account, an agreement for the provision of electronic services by the Organiser using the GlobalBid Website on the terms set out in the Terms of Service is concluded between the User and the Organiser.
- The User undertakes to provide true and complete data when registering an Account on the GlobalBid Website.
- The User is aware that they bear full responsibility for submission of false personal data in the registration process. If the personal data provided by the User turns out to be false, the Organiser reserves the right to suspend or cancel the registration of the User and suspend the provision of services.
§4 [Auction Listing]
- During registration process, the User can choose to have their listing created by a professional or opt for creating it themselves.
- Professional listing preparation consists in having a specialist photograph the Item, editing a video ad for the Item, creating the listing description in 2 language versions together with a full technical specification. The Organiser commissions this service to a third party (entities of the Dekra Polska Group: DEKRA Polska Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at Ulica Konstruktorska 12A, 02-673 Warsaw, Poland; DEKRA Certification Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at Ulica Legnicka 48H, 54-202 Wrocław, Poland)
- Professional listing preparation requires a down payment determined in accordance with the applicable price lists of the service providers listed in point 2, available on the Website.
- Users who decide to create the auction listing themselves should make sure the self-prepared listing contains all the elements specified in Section 4 point 2. It’s free
- In the case provided for in point 4, the User undertakes to provide accurate, reliable and complete information on the Item and the sale conditions.
- The User confirms they have the right to sell the Item in accordance with the laws of the countries in which the Item is on sale.
- The User guarantees that the Items they list meet the quality standards established by the legislation of the countries in which they are sold and are free from any third party claims.
- Availability of EUR or USD payment of the purchase price is indicated on the Auction page. Otherwise, the User bids and pays the price in PLN. During the Auction, bids submitted in PLN will be automatically converted into EUR or USD, however, unless expressly indicated by the Organiser, the default payment currency is PLN. The automatic currency conversion feature on the Auction page is for information purposes only.
- For the period the listing remains active on the GlobalBid website in order to promote the listing the User authorizes the Organiser to post the photos featured in the listing in Polish and foreign social media. Upon posting the listing, the User agrees to its free-of-charge and unlimited in terms of time and territory publication on websites belonging to the Organiser, as well as on websites which the Organiser cooperates with, in the scope of:
- a) recording and reproduction by any technique, including by saving and copying to any medium;
- b) entering into computer memory and into a computer and/or multimedia network;
- c) public display and playback;
- d) use in various formats with the right to incorporate them in whole or in part into other works and create studies.
- The User will receive an e-mail confirming the placement of the listing on the GlobalBid website, including the list of websites which the listing will be posted on.
- The Auction page contains information regarding the Auction end date, the Buy It Now Price, the number, date and amount of submitted bids, as well as the highest bid.
- The listing will be published for 10 calendar days on the GlobalBid Website. The exact time remaining until the listing expires is displayed on the Auction page.
- The User undertakes to refrain from the following actions:
- posting listings in a category that does not correspond to the content of the listing;
- post listings with a description and/or title/photos unrelated to the Item or are illegible;
- post listings offering several Items at the same time;
- include in their listings links to resources containing malicious content or links to the main website.
- It is forbidden to post listings for the sale of:
- Items not listed in any category for which information is available for publication on the website;
- Items that were stolen or obtained illegally;
- Items that pose a threat to life and health;
- Items that do not exist.
- The Organiser has the right to change, suspend or extend the period the User’s Item listing is active for technical reasons.
- The Organiser may cease to publish a listing if the User posted Items in violation of these Terms of Service or applicable law.
- The Organiser may:
- correct the content of the User’s listings in terms of spelling and punctuation errors, provided that such changes do not affect the general sense of the content of the listing;
- move the listing to other website sections it deems more in line with the content of the listing.
- The Organiser does not guarantee that the information posted on the Website by Users is correct, accurate, detailed or complete. Therefore, the Organiser is not responsible for:
- causing damage, loss of information or any other damage to any person that occurs while using the GlobalBid Services, including expenses for website positioning, loss of profits, customers and any other financial losses incurred as a result of visiting or inability to visit these websites and as a result of trusting information obtained directly or indirectly on these websites;
- violation by the User of the rights of third parties by posting on the GlobalBid Website materials that are in violation of applicable law (including copyright law), or by transferring such materials to the Organiser in another way.
§5 [Auction Process]
- Having accepted the Auction terms and conditions the Seller stipulated in the content of the listing, in order to purchase the Item the User takes part in the Auction or selects the Buy It Now option. To do this, the User completes the appropriate form on the listing page and confirms their choice.
- Regardless of the information, valuations, and photos featured in the listing, the User is obliged at his own expense to familiarize himself with the current technical condition of the Item before joining the Auction.
- The price is a net amount expressed in Polish zlotys, to which the tax on goods and services should be added in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Bids submitted by Bidders bind the Auction Participants, unless the Seller rejects them.
- The minimum progress during the Auction 200 zł
- The Minimum Price may remain undisclosed.
- A bid is considered to have been submitted successfully upon reaching the Organiser via the Website, i.e. the moment it was saved on the Website server. The time a bid takes to reach the Organiser depends on a number of factors, in particular the speed and stability of the Internet connection, as well as software and hardware used by the User.
- The moment of successfully submitting a bid and any other statements via the Website is determined according to the respective Website server time.
- The Bidder may raise their own bid, even if it is currently the highest bid in the Auction.
- The Seller of the Item may not participate in their own Auction (i.a. bid the Item up).
- If more than one bid for the same amount is submitted, the order in which the bids are submitted (reach the Organiser) determines the outcome of the Auction – the bid submitted earlier wins.
- The Organiser reserves the right to verify selected bids by e-mail or telephone.
- If the Bidder does not confirm the bid being verified or is unable to take the verification call (number incorrect, busy or out of range) within 1 Business Day, the bid is rejected and the User’s account is blocked.
- By submitting a bid, the Bidder who is an Entrepreneur declares to the Organiser and the Owner that he accepts without reservations the technical and legal condition of the Item and the completeness of its equipment, as well as the condition and completeness of the documentation.
- Bids submitted on the Website by Entrepreneurs are offers within the meaning of art. 66 (1) § 1 of the Polish Civil Code. By submitting an offer to purchase an Item, the Bidder who is an Entrepreneur expresses to the Owner the will to conclude with the Seller a contract for the sale of the Item on the terms contained in the offer, specified in the Terms of Service and separate terms and conditions of the Owner.
- A Bidder who is an Entrepreneur may not cancel his bids.
- If the current technical inspection certificate of the Item is due to expire in less than 30 days counting from the date its Auction ends, the Bidder is obliged to verify on his own and at his own expense, before taking part in the Auction, whether the technical condition of the Item will allow to obtain a positive result of periodic technical inspection without performing additional corrective actions.
- The Organiser and the Seller are not responsible for failure to verify the circumstances indicated in point 17.
- In the case of Automatic Bidding, during the Auction the GlobalBid automated bidding system generates bids on behalf of the Participant for the minimum amount allowing to beat the bids of other Participants (taking into account the minimum bid increment), but not exceeding the maximum amount declared by the Participant. If beating another bid would require exceeding the maximum price – the System will generate a bid equal to the declared maximum price.
- If the „Buy It Now” option is active in the Auction, the Participant has the right to declare the purchase of the Item at the Auction for the price indicated in the listing. The Participant may use the „Buy It Now” option until the first bid is made by another Participant. If a Minimum Price is set, the Participant may use the „Buy It Now” option until a bid in the amount equal to or higher than the Minimum Price is made.
- Actions that may manipulate the data generated by the GlobalBid Website or interfere with the process or course of the Auction are forbidden.
- Exchange rates are calculated according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day of the end of the Auction.
§6 [End of Auction]
- The auction ends with the expiry of the period for which it was announced, subject to the following provisions.
- Submission of a subsequent bid (a raise) within two minutes of submitting the last highest bid at the Auction extends the duration of the Auction by two minutes. The Auction shall be extended until none of the Bidders raises within two minutes of the last highest bid.
- The auction is won by the highest bid placed before the end of the Auction, provided that it is at least equal to the Minimum Price or the offer to purchase the Item for the Buy It Now Price, if any. Submitting an offer to purchase an Item for the Buy It Now Price ends the Auction, and the Bidder who made the offer becomes the winner.
- The auction is settled only when the bid is granted a Knockdown.
- The Knockdown is granted to the Participant who submitted the highest bid in the course of the Auction, and if the Participant fails to complete the transaction – to the next highest Bidder, provided that the second highest bid exceeds the Minimum Price.
- Unless otherwise agreed, within 14 days following the expiry of the bidding time in the GlobalBid auction, the Participants who submitted bids lower than the winning bid remain bound by their respective bids and a sale contract in accordance with Polish law is concluded between the Seller and the Participant who submitted the highest bid.
- Both parties to the contract are obliged to complete the transaction. The Seller undertakes to hand over the Item as described to the User who submitted the highest bid. The winning Bidder is deemed responsible to pay for and collect the Item.
- Information on having been granted a Knockdown is sent to the winning Bidder via e-mail and added to their profile within 3 Business Days from the end of the Auction, unless the Organiser indicates a different date of granting the Knockdown in a message sent to the Bidder.
- In the event the Knockdown is not granted within the period indicated above, the Seller ceases to be bound by the bid.
- Granting the Knockdown to the Bidder who is an Entrepreneur is equivalent to accepting the their bid to purchase the Item under the condition precedent that the Bidder pays the net purchase price of the Item and the Gross Commission within the time limit and in the manner specified in the Knockdown message, and meets possible additional requirements provided for by the Seller.
- Upon the end of the Auction, apart from the Item purchase price, the Bidder who submitted the winning bid is charged a fee payable to the Organiser for organising and holding the Auction. The winner of the Auction receives from Dawid Krupa conducting business activity under the name GlobalBid Dawid Krupa with its registered office in Dąbrowa Tarnowska a VAT invoice for the Commission.
- The Seller is obliged to pay the Commission regardless of the payment of the purchase price of the Item.
- The Commission rate is given to each item separately in the content of the announcement.
§7 [Conclusion of the contract]
- Together with the information about granting the Knockdown, the Seller is notified by e-mail about the Item purchase price, the VAT and the amount of the Commission, if it was charged, as well as their respective payment dates. Unless otherwise specified, the payments are due within 5 days.
- Bank account numbers to which the Item purchase price with the respective VAT due and the Commission with the VAT due, if any, should be paid are provided to the Bidder in the e-mail informing of granting the Knockdown and in the Bidder’s panel available after logging in to the Website.
- Before making a payment, the Bidder is obliged to verify bank account numbers in publicly available lists of VAT registrants, unregistered and deleted and restored to the VAT register, or other registers allowing verification of the correctness of bank accounts of the Organiser and the Seller.
- The Bidder is obliged to verify the correctness of the bank account numbers indicated in the e-mail about granting the Knockdown against the information placed on their GlobalBid account (the Bidder’s panel tab).
- The Bidder who is an Entrepreneur to whom the Knockdown was granted is obliged to pay the Item purchase price and the Commission within the period indicated by the Organiser in the e-mail (conclusion of an unconditional contract for the sale of the Item), to collect the Item at the time and place indicated by the Organiser and to conclude all additional documents required by the Seller (questionnaire of business relations, PEP questionnaire, information requirements card, termination of third party liability insurance and others).
- In the case of a Bidder who is an Entrepreneur, the contract for the sale of the Item is concluded upon payment of gross Item purchase price and gross Commission (whichever was paid later) in full, unless the obligation to conclude the contract in writing is indicated on the Auction page. The Seller may oblige the Bidder who is an Entrepreneur to confirm in writing the fact of concluding the contract for the sale of the Item and its terms.
- In the case of the Seller who is a Consumer, the contract for the sale of the Item is concluded upon signing a written sales contract.
- A necessary condition for the conclusion of a written contract for the sale of the Item with the Seller who is a Consumer is the payment of the gross Item purchase price and the gross Commission in full amount by the date indicated by the Organiser and the receiving the above-mentioned funds on the Seller’s and the Organiser’s accounts respectively no later than upon concluding the contract.
- Failure to pay the gross Item purchase price or gross Commission in full amount within the time limit indicated by the Organiser constitutes the Seller’s failure to comply with the submitted offer. It results in the loss of the Bidder’s right to conclude the contract for the sale of the Item, and the Item is, at the Participant’s discretion, either transferred to be sold at another Auction or the Knockdown is granted to the second highest Bidder.
- The Bidder who fails to fulfil their offer within the time limit indicated by the Organiser loses the right to submit bids on the Website and his account is blocked.
- After concluding the contract for the sale of the Item, the Bidder receives a VAT invoice for the price of the purchased Auction Item, if the Seller is entitled to issue VAT invoices. Otherwise, the Bidder receives another document to confirm the transaction (margin invoice, contract, etc.).
- Effective payment of the Item purchase price and Commission for participation in the auction to the indicated bank accounts is a prerequisite for the transfer of ownership and release of the auctioned Item to the winning Bidder.
- Upon conclusion of the contract, the Seller is subject to all burdens related to the Item and the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Item, including those related to its storage. From the date of conclusion of the contract, the Organiser and the Seller shall not be liable to buyers who are Entrepreneurs for accidental damage or loss of the Item.
- The moment of payment of the Commission or of payment of the price is the date the payments are posted to the bank accounts of the Organiser or the Seller, respectively.
§8 [External financing]
- The Contract for the sale of the Item may be concluded using external financing (leasing, credit, etc.) indicated by the Bidder to whom the Knockdown was granted. The entity offering external financing for the purchase of the Item may only be a reputable financial institution recognized by the Organiser, excluding the so-called shadow-banking institutions, loan institutions and others whose activities raise doubts as to timeliness and reliability.
- The Bidder interested in purchasing the Item using external financing is obliged to report such an intention at the latest within 24 hours from the moment of being granted the Knockdown.
- The Bidder who won the Auction is obliged to pay the Commission to the Organiser also if the financing entity is a party to the sales contract. Payment of the Commission by the Bidder is a necessary condition for the sale of the Item using external financing.
- Another necessary condition for concluding the sales contract using external financing is the Seller’s consent to finalize the transaction with external financing. The Bidder who wants to use external financing is obliged to send additional documents regarding the conclusion of the sales contract using external financing indicated by the Organiser.
- The Bidder is obliged to obtain external financing within 7 Business Days from the date of obtaining the Knockdown (presentation of a promise from a financial institution or a signed contract).
- In the case of transactions using external financing, the sales contract is concluded when the purchase price is paid including VAT by the financing entity.
- If documents are required to obtain external financing and possibly to register the Item, the Organiser undertakes to issue the relevant documents once it has received the original order for documents by the financing entity together with the contract for financing the Item.
- If the Bidder to whom the knockdown was granted is unsuccessful in obtaining external financing, they are not eligible for a refund of the paid Commission.
- In the event of failure to obtain external financing within the deadline, the Bidder who was granted the knockdown is obliged to purchase the Item from their own funds within 1 Business Day from the expiry of the aforementioned period or to obtain information about the refusal to provide external financing (from at least 1 institution).
- In case the Organiser is unable to contact the Bidder who was granted the knockdown (at least 2 attempts to contact the Organiser), the Bidder loses the right to purchase the Item using external financing. In such a situation, the Bidder is obliged to purchase the Item from their own funds.
- If the sales contract is not concluded within the prescribed period, the Item gets re-auctioned.
§9 [Additional services]
- As part of the GlobalBid Website, the Organiser offers the provision of additional services:
- Handling the shipping / transport of the sold Item;
- Handling the complete documentation required to export the sold Item.
- Handling the shipment / transport of the Item includes in particular determining the shipping date and commissioning a professional carrier to transport the item.
- Handling the complete documentation includes in particular processing the relevant customs documentation (export customs declaration) and the procedure for deregistration of the vehicle.
- The User, who is the winner of the Auction, having made all the relevant arrangements with the Seller, reports to the Organiser their wish to use additional services specified in point 1, subject to section 9 of these Terms of Service.
- The use of additional services involves payment in the form of a prepayment, calculated in accordance with the applicable price lists of the Organiser.
- The cost of additional services together with individual component items will be sent by e-mail.
- For more information, please refer to the GlobalBid Website.
§10 [Liability of the Organiser]
- The Organiser is not liable for technical problems or technical limitations occurring in the computer equipment, terminal unit, ICT system and telecommunications infrastructure used by the User which prevent the latter from properly using the Website and the services it provides. The Organiser bears no liability for delays and other irregularities in the use of the Website related to the speed of the User’s Internet connection.
- The responsibility to ensure technical compatibility between the User’s computer equipment, terminal unit, ICT system and telecommunications infrastructure in order to use the Website rests solely with the User.
- The Organiser is not liable for:
- loss of data by the User caused by the failure of equipment, computer system or other circumstances resulting from reasons not attributable to the Organiser,
- the consequences of using the Website by the User in a manner contrary to the applicable law or the provisions of the terms of Service,
- the speed of data transfer and the associated limitations resulting from the occurrence of circumstances i.a. of a technological, technical and infrastructural nature.
- The Items offered on the Website are not covered by warranty, nor are they covered by Seller’s guarantee, unless otherwise specified in the content of the Auction or the contract for the sale of the Item. In the absence of such information, the Bidder is obliged to verify in their own capacity whether the Item is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
- The provisions of these Terms of Service do not exclude or limit the rights of Users who are Consumers in the scope of warranty resulting from relevant legal provisions, including in particular the Civil Code, however, in the case of contracts concluded with Bidders who are Consumers for the sale of used (not new) Items, the Seller’s liability under warranty is limited to 1 year from the date of transfer of the Item.
- Subject to mandatory provisions, the Organiser is not liable for the information provided on the Auction website. This data comes from the respective Item Owners and are subject to Organiser’s verification.
- The Organiser is not obliged to cover in whole or in any part the costs incurred by the User in connection with participation in the Auction, conclusion of the contract for the sale of the Item or collection of the Item, and in particular for the travel to the location where the Item is to be inspected, securing shipping or loading of the Item, subject to mandatory provisions of law.
§10 [Complaints]
- Complaints may be submitted in writing to the following address: Dawid Krupa conducting business activity under the name GlobalBid Dawid Krupa with its registered office in Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Olesnicka 3, 33-100 Dąbrowa Tarnowska or sent by e-mail to the following address: info@globalbid.pl .
- The format of the complaint is not relevant.
- The complaint should contain at least the following data: name, surname and address of the person submitting the complaint, information on the buyer and seller of the Item, date of conclusion of the contract, auction number or registration number, e-mail address. The complaint must include a description of the claim and indicate what action is demanded.
- The Organiser will confirm the receipt of the complaint to the User in a confirmation message sent to the e-mail address indicated on the registration form containing the complaint number to be used for reference when contacting GlobalBid in writing, by e-mail or by phone.
- The complaint will be processed within 14 days from the date of its receipt by the ECR, which will be indicated in the message confirming successful submission of the complaint.
- Submitting a complaint does not suspend the procedure of selling the Item in accordance with the outcome of the Auction, i.a. it does not release the winning Bidder from the obligation to pay the Item purchase price and the Commission and to collect the Item, unless the Organiser or the Seller decides otherwise. This provision does not apply to Bidders who are Consumers.
- If, due to the nature of the complaint, it cannot be processed within the time limit stipulated in point 5, the User will be informed about the estimated date of when the complaint will be processed effectively.
§ 11 [Final provisions]
- GlobalBid is not entitled to receive letters, declarations of will or knowledge addressed to the Sellers.
- The Bidder, including the Bidder who purchased the Item, does not acquire any rights (including proprietary copyrights or licenses) to use the valuation, its part or photographs attached to the Auction listing. Author’s economic rights and the right to grant licenses for the use of the above-mentioned materials are vested only in the Organiser or the Owner. If violations of the Terms of Service in this respect are identified, the Organiser or the Owner shall pursue their respective rights in court.
- Disputes arising between the Seller and the Bidder who is a Consumer shall be settled in the competent court in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.
- The court competent to settle disputes arising between the Seller or the Organiser and the Bidder who is an Entrepreneur will be the common court competent for the registered office of the Seller or the Organiser, respectively.
- The User is obliged to inform GlobalBid about any changes regarding his contact details and the legal status of the User.
- GlobalBid is entitled to make changes to the Terms of Service at any time, and the changes will come into force on the day of their publication on the Website. The User will be informed each time about planned changes in the Terms of Service.
- If the User does not agree to the changes, they have the right to terminate the contract within 14 days from the date of the information having been made available on the Website.
These Terms of Service are effective from August 15, 2022.